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Grace Health Starts the New Year with a New Model of Care

By January 18, 2018July 17th, 2018Health Care News

Grace Health (GH) is starting 2018 with a new model of care called Neighborhoods. What does this mean?  Patients are choosing a GH Primary Care Provider (PCP) whom they will see for most or all of their visits.  Each PCP works with a team of providers and support staff who know the patients and their medical history.   Each team makes up a “Neighborhood” and patients are seen in their Grace Health Neighborhood whenever they need healthcare.  Each patient’s Neighborhood will follow their health and suggest changes to improve their well-being.  Each PCP and care team will regularly screen for health problems that could go unnoticed, preventing serious health concerns later.  Regularly visiting your PCP helps you look out for your health and well-being.  We want to build strong patient-provider relationships that lead to improved health!