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Grace Health Receives Approval for MIHP

By July 29, 2015July 17th, 2018Health Care News

It is official – Grace Health has been approved as the next MIHP (Maternal Infant Health Program) Provider in Calhoun County.  MIHP is Michigan’s largest maternal child health home visiting program for Medicaid-eligible pregnant women and infants. Services provided through this program and intended to supplement regular prenatal/infant care and assist the healthcare provider in managing pregnant women’s and baby’s health and wellbeing. The purpose of MIHP is to promote healthy pregnancies, positive birth outcomes, and healthy infant growth and development and to decrease infant mortality.

Grace Health is making preparations to be able to start offering services through MIHP on September 9.  In the interim, Grace Health is working closely with Silverspoon Home Services to ensure a smooth transition for all Calhoun County clients previously enrolled with Connect Health Services, as well as those enrolled with Silverspoon Home Services.