Grace Health’s Dental Sealant rate among children 6 – 9 years of age is 91% for 2021 which is higher than the Michigan Dental Sealant Rate of 43% and the National Dental Sealant Rate of 48.7%. Why is this important? Dental sealants form a protective barrier on the chewing surface of your child’s teeth. This barrier helps prevent cavities (tooth decay) from forming. Sealants have been shown to reduce the risk of getting cavities in molars by 80%! The ideal time to place sealants is when your child’s first molars start to come in around age 6 and then again when their second molars come in around age 12.
At Grace Health Dental, hygienists routinely place sealants during your child’s regular exam and cleaning appointment. Sealants are also placed on children’s teeth when Grace Health visits local schools. Getting a sealant is fast, easy, and painless. First, the tooth is cleaned and dried. The sealant is then painted into the grooves of the tooth, blocking out germs and food particles. In addition to regular brushing and flossing, sealants help keep your child’s mouth healthy!
Grace Health Dental has sites in both Battle Creek and Albion and the Grace Health Portable Dental Team visits almost all Calhoun County schools. For more information about Grace Health and the services provided, visit Grace Health’s website at