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Feeling a Little Stressed??

By December 21, 2015July 17th, 2018Health Care News

Barnabas and Eric 2015-12-03 014

Barnabas met with Dr. Eric Macleod in our Behavioral Health Department and learned a few tips on relaxing during the holiday season.  He decided to share what he learned about relaxing:

  • Don’t try to do too much at one time. The most important part of the holiday is spending time with family and friends, not cramming too many activities into the time you spend together.
  • If you have time off, why not catch up on a little rest?  Allowing yourself to sleep a bit more is a rare luxury.  Enjoy it.
  • Avoid overspending.  Spending too much on gifts is stressful and if you don’ t have the money now, only imagine the stress you will have when you see the credit card bills!
  • Eating too many dog bones and table scraps seems like a good plan at first but don’t forget to go walk your canine friends every once in a while. Exercise helps the mind and body.
  • When things get out of hand take a few moments to collect yourself and take a few deep breaths.  People will wait.
  • Take time to be thankful for all the wonderful things that have happened in the past year.
  • Remember, when bad things happen, it was a bad experience, not a bad life.
  • If you need a caring someone to listen to you, help is always there at Grace Health.

Barnabas and the Grace Health staff hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable holiday season.