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October is National Dental Hygiene Month

By October 13, 2015July 17th, 2018Health Care News

During Dental Hygiene Month, Dental Hygienists spend even more time making a difference in our communities and offer resources to help with awareness and share information with the public.  This year, the American Dental Hygiene Association is teaming up to enforce the Daily 4.  The Daily 4 is being used to remind patients to:

1) Brush your teeth 2 times a day

2) Floss every day

3) Rinse with an antimicrobial mouth rinse

4) Chew sugar free gum

Not only will the “Daily 4” help maintain good oral health, but it also can benefit the patient’s OVERALL health!  Why chew sugar free gum? It helps stimulate saliva flow and it keeps teeth healthy after eating and drinking.  At Grace Health we provide portable dentistry, offer maternal oral health education/needs, Age 1 visits, plus much more.

To help meet the needs of all our patients, our Dental Department is open 7:00 am – 8:00 pm Monday – Saturday with walk-in hours 4:00 – 6:00 pm.

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Kim Kolassa, RDH; Shirley Tironi, RDH; and Melani Pearce, RDH

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Tracie Hurst, RDH; Jessica Southerland, RDH; and Megan VanSickle, RDH