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1st Patient to Complete Oral Health Program

By June 10, 2015July 17th, 2018Health Care News

Grace Health recently celebrated Rosa Cecilia Lara Rives’ completion of the Maternal Oral Health Initiative program and the birth of her son, Arturo.  Rosa is the first patient to complete Grace Health’s Maternal Oral Health Initiative Program from start to finish. Funding was received from Blue Cross Blue Shield to start the program (approximately 7 months ago) in Grace Health’s OB/GYN Department and is one of five programs selected in Michigan.  During her pregnancy, Rosa met with registered dental hygienists, Jessica Southerland and Staci Hard.  During the first trimester visit, the hygienists worked with Rosa on her oral care and focused on keeping her healthy.  The focus for the second trimester visit was nutrition and the third trimester visit was about infant and oral health.  To date a total of 271 women have participated in the program.


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(left to right) Jessica Southerland, RDH; Rosa Cecilia Lara-Rives and Staci Hard, RDH