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1st Anniversary of Grace Health’s Space for OB/GYN

By July 13, 2015July 17th, 2018Health Care News


OB GYN Building 2015-07-10 002July 14, 2015 will be the first anniversary of the opening of Grace Health’s (GH) newly, expanded space for OB/GYN.  Within the first year, just over 3,900 people received almost 15,500 services and GH providers delivered 542 babies at Bronson Battle Creek (BBC).  Not only was GH able to provide additional access to OB/GYN services, but it was also able to start a Maternal Oral Health Initiative Program (funding provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield to start the program).  A dental hygienist meets with women during their first, second and third trimesters – focusing on keeping mom healthy, nutrition, and infant and oral health.  As of June 30, there have been a total of 209 oral health encounters.

CenteringPregnancy began at GH on June 3.  Women meet with their healthcare provider and other women with similar due dates throughout their pregnancy – every month for the first 5 months and then every 2 weeks until birth.  CenteringPregnancy allows women more time with their provider to get questions answered plus they learn from other women in the group.

With the additional space in OB/GYN, GH, in collaboration with many community partners, has been able to provide various classes – Breastfeeding Club, Comfort Touches, Daddy Boot Camp, just to name a few – for patients and the community.  Not only is GH providing OB/GYN services, but is also providing educational classes so patients can make informed decisions on improving their health and well-being.